Animation Family
The idyllic Egg Town is the location for the The Easter Egg Adventure, which sees the beautiful location under threat from some dastardly thieves. Making off with the collection of Easter Egg's the town has managed to collate, it's up to some brave residents to retrieve them from the evil doers. A wonderfully touching children's tale, The Easter Egg Adventure is a heartwarming seasonal story.
Directed by
John Michael Williams
Written by
John Michael Williams
Brooke Shields
Horrible Harriet Hare (voice)
Eli Wallach
Narrator (voice)
James Woods
Grab Takit (voice)
Joe Pantoliano
Terrible Timothy Takit (voice)
Sandra Bernhard
Claralyne Cluck (voice)
Tara Sands
Additional Voices (voice)
Doug Preis
Cookey Takit (voice)
Gary Littman
Good Gracious Grasshopper (voice)
Nancy Kerrigan
Bernadette Baker / Helen Hen (voice)
Rob Bartlett
Boss Baker (voice)
Becca Lish
Tiny Tessie (voice) (as Beca Lish)

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