Adventure Action Fantasy
Age of the Dragons is an adaptation of Herman Melville's classic novel Moby Dick. Set in a medieval realm where Captain Ahab and crew hunt dragons for the vitriol that powers their world, Ishmael, a charismatic harpooner and his friend Queequeg join their quest. Ahab's adopted daughter Rachel, beautiful and tough, runs the hunting vessel. Ahab's obsession to seek revenge on a great White Dragon that slaughtered his family when he was young and left his body scarred and mauled, drives the crew deeper into the heart of darkness. In the White Dragon's lair Ahab's secrets are revealed and Rachel must choose between following him on his dark quest or escaping to a new life with Ishmael.
Directed by
Ryan Little
Written by
McKay Daines, Anne K. Black
Corey Sevier
Vinnie Jones
Danny Glover
Larry Bagby
Sofia Pernas
Savannah Ostler
Bar Maid
Kepa Kruse
David Morgan
Raphael Cruz
Young Ahab
Yanique Bland
Ahab's Sister
Wayne Brennan
Scott Chun
Amy Micalizio
Bar Maids
Brianne Aglaure
Bar Maids
Brandon Anderson
Bar Patron
Christian Purser
Bar Patron
Ryan Don Devey
Bar Patron
Valeria Madsen
Bar Patron
Preston Gibbs
Bar Patron
Mark Oliphant
Bar Patron
Gloria Hansen
Bar Patron
Ross Howard
Bar Patron
David Turley
Bar Patron
Chris Larsen
Bar Patron
Nathan Harward
Bar Patron
Erik Madsen
Bar Patron

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