Mystery Thriller Crime Action
Mr. Moto Heads to China on a quest for seven ancient scrolls that reveal the location of Genghis Khan's tomb—a crypt filled with fabulous treasure! But Moto isn't the only one stalking the scrolls—so is a shadowy band of thieves. But when his ruthless rivals go too far, the mild-mannered detective's quest for antiquities becomes a passion for vengeance—because if he can't bring these villains to justice... he'll bring them to their knees.
Directed by
Norman Foster
Philip Ahn
Prince Chung
Victor Sen Yung
Onlooker with Street Acrobats / Elevator Operator (uncredited)
John Carradine
Peter Lorre
Mr. Moto
Sig Ruman
Colonel Tchernov
Nedda Harrigan
Madame Tchernov
Pauline Frederick
Madame Chung
John Bleifer
Ivan (uncredited)
Sidney Blackmer
Herr Eric Koeger
Jayne Regan
Eleanor Joyce
Wilhelm von Brincken
Thomas Beck
Tom Nelson

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