Family Drama Romance Comedy
Mona Gray is a 20-year-old loner who, as a child, turned to math for salvation after her father became ill. As an adult, Mona now teaches the subject and must help her students through their own crises.
Directed by
Marilyn Agrelo
J.K. Simmons
Mr. Jones
Jessica Alba
Mona Gray
Bailee Madison
Young Mona
John Shea
Chris Messina
Ben Smith
Sônia Braga
Blythe Auffarth
Candy Striper
Marylouise Burke
Ms. Gelband
Ashlie Atkinson
Lisa's Aunt
Ian Colletti
Danny O'Mazzi
Joanna Adler
Lisa's Mom
Jake Siciliano
Elmer Gravlaki
Sharon Washington
Levan's Mom
Daniel Pearce
Danny's Dad
Conor Carroll
5th Grader
Crystal Bock
Panida Saleswoman
Ian Blackman
Ann's Dad
Jill Abramovitz
Ann's Mom
Lori Hammel
Danny's Mom
Emerald-Angel Young
Rita Williams
Sophie Nyweide
Lisa Venus
Mackenzie Milone
Ann DiGanno
Stephanie DeBolt
Donovan Fowler
Levan Beeze
Brandon Jeffers
Science Kid #1
Daniel Dugan
Marin Gazzaniga
Bill Coelius
Movie Patron #1
Tom Nonnon

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