Animation Comedy Romance
As Valentine's Day approaches, Cathy, ever the romantic, becomes passionately consumed with thoughts of hearts, flowers and candle-lit dinners.
Directed by
Evert Brown
Written by
Cathy Guisewite
Rob Paulsen
Irving (voice)
Kathleen Wilhoite
Cathy Andrews (voice)
Susan Silo
Janet (voice)
Gregg Berger
Mr. Pinkley (voice)
Jerry Houser
Ross (voice)
Shirley Mitchell
Anne, Cathy's Mother (voice)
Sheryl Bernstein
Joyce (voice)
William L. Guisewite
Bill, Cathy's Father (voice)
Loren Dunsworth
Lisa (voice)
Emily Levine
Charlene (voice)
Jamie E. Smith
Zenith (voice)

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