Animation Adventure Comedy Fantasy Action Family
Luca follows in his father's footsteps to rescue his mother from evil Ladja. Finding the heavenly hero who wields the Zenithian sword is his only hope.
Directed by
Takashi Yamazaki, Ryuichi Yagi
Takeru Satoh
Luka (voice)
Kasumi Arimura
Bianca (voice)
Kentaro Sakaguchi
Prince Harry (voice)
Takayuki Yamada
Pankraz (voice)
Kotaro Yoshida
Prince Henry (voice)
Koichi Yamadera
Surarin (voice)
Arata Furuta
Mildrath (voice)
Ken Yasuda
Pusan (voice)
Arata Iura
Mildrath (voice)
Suzuki Matsuo
Ludman (voice)
Flora (voice)
Chikako Kaku
Martha (voice)
Kendo Kobayashi
Sancho (voice)

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