Drama Sci-Fi
Genius artist Cesar Catilina seeks to leap the City of New Rome into a utopian, idealistic future, while his opposition, Mayor Franklyn Cicero, remains committed to a regressive status quo, perpetuating greed, special interests, and partisan warfare. Torn between them is socialite Julia Cicero, the mayor’s daughter, whose love for Cesar has divided her loyalties, forcing her to discover what she truly believes humanity deserves.
Directed by
Francis Ford Coppola
Written by
Francis Ford Coppola
Aubrey Plaza
Wow Platinum
Nathalie Emmanuel
Julia Cicero
Giancarlo Esposito
Mayor Franklyn Cicero
Laurence Fishburne
Fundi Romaine
Shia LaBeouf
Clodio Pulcher
James Remar
Charles Cothope
Dustin Hoffman
Nush 'The Fixer' Berman
Jason Schwartzman
Jason Zanderz
Jon Voight
Hamilton Crassus III
Adam Driver
Cesar Catilina
Talia Shire
Constance Crassus Catilina
Kathryn Hunter
Teresa Cicero
D.B. Sweeney
Commissioner Stanley Hart
Balthazar Getty
Aram Kazanjian
Buddy Joe Hooker
Grace VanderWaal
Vesta Sweetwater
Chloe Fineman
Clodia Pulcher
Isabelle Kusman
Claudine Pulcher
Josh Diogo
Haley Sims
Sunny Catilina
Eric Tiede
Sonia Ammar
Zena The Model
Donald Pitts
Ringleader PA
Guru Khalsa
Art Newkirk
Mayor's Aide
Duke Jackson
Madeleine Gardella
Claudette Pulcher
Jason Gupton
Romy Mars
Girl Reporter
Bailey Ives
Huey Wilkes
Adams Bellouis
Jacob Jackson
Philip Banks
Dylan Kennedy
Max Bojorquez
Hawk Walts
Jazzy Ellis
Tej Limlas Ly
Gregory L. Wilson II
Joe Foley
Ryan D. Olson
Chad Crumley
Troy Roker
Anna Majewski
Jimmy Blair
Brenda L. Dubone

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