Drama Action
Singles Match: Nicole Pain venceu Kylie Rae. 6-Man Tag Team Match: Ivory Robyn, Madi Maxx and Renee Michelle venceram Aja Perera, Kiera Hogan and Savannah Evans. Tag Team Match: Maria Manic and Penelope Ford venceram Brittany Blake and Leva Bates. Singles Match: LuFisto venceu Rachael Ellering. Career vs. Career Match: Zane Riley venceu Miss Diss Lexia. Singles Match: Allie venceu Zoey Skye. QOC Championship Match: Su Yung (c) venceu Mickie Knuckles and Samantha Heights
Olivia Kippen
Penelope Ford
Rachael Ellering
Rachael Ellering
Madisyn Spagnola
Madi Maxx
Rachel Freeman
Savannah Evans
Aja Perera
Aja Perera
Laura Dennis
Genevieve Goulet
Vannarah Riggs
Su Yung
Renee Michelle
Renee Michelle
Jeanne Killjoy
Brittany Blake
Samantha Heights
Samantha Heights
Ivory Robyn
Ivory Robyn
Kiera Hogan
Kiera Hogan
Zoey Skye
Zoey Skye
Maria Spiro
Maria Manic
Zane Riley
Zane Riley
Leva Bates
Leva Bates
Miss Diss Lexia
Miss Diss Lexia
Mickie Lee Knuckles
Mickie Knuckles
Brianna Rae Sparrey
Kylie Rae
Nicole Stratton
Nicole Pain

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