Animation Family
SamSam, the smallest of the great heroes, has still not discovered his first superpower, while at home and at school, everyone has one! Faced with the worry of his parents and the mockery of his comrades, he goes in search of this hidden power. With the help of Mega, the new mysterious student of his school, Samsam embarks on this adventure full of cosmic monsters ...
Directed by
Tanguy de Kermel
Lior Chabbat
Méga (voice)
Magali Rosenzweig
Marie-Agnès, la maîtresse (voice)
Jérémy Prévost
Marchel (voice)
Emmylou Homs
Frapula (voice)
Laurent Maurel
Marchientifique (voice)
Julien Crampon
Frapulo (voice)
Damien Boisseau
Sampapa (voice)
Philippe Spiteri
Crapouille (voice)
Grégory Quidel
Voix d'ambiance (voice)
Marie-Eugénie Maréchal
Samaman (voice)
Isaac Lobé-Lebel
SamSam (voice)
Sébastien Desjours
Samnounours (voice)
Léopold Vom Dorp
Petit Poa (voice)
Victoire Pauwels
Superjulie (voice)
Léovanie Raud
Madame Chol (voice)
Simon Brunner
Sumomo (voice)
Françoise Pavy
Mamie Poa (voice)
David Macaluso
Garde 2 / Voix d'ambiance (voice)
Vincent Bonnasseau
Voix d'ambiance (voice)
Simon Volodine
Voix d'ambiance (voice)
Martin Spinhayer
Monstre Grisouille / Voix d'ambiance (voice)

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