Adventure Drama
In the rebellious northern frontier province of colonial India, British Army Captain Scott, a young prince and the boy's governess escape by an obsolete train as they are relentlessly pursued by Muslim rebels intent on assassinating the prince.
Directed by
J. Lee Thompson
Lauren Bacall
Catherine Wyatt
Herbert Lom
Van Layden
Ursula Jeans
Lady Windham
Lionel Murton
American Correspondent
I.S. Johar
Kenneth More
Capt. Scott
Allan Cuthbertson
Wilfrid Hyde-White
Eugene Deckers
Mr Peters
Jack Gwillim
Brig. Ames
Ian Hunter
Sir John Wyndham
Moultrie Kelsall
British Correspondent
Frank Olegario
Howard Marion-Crawford
Govind Raja Ross
Prince Kishan
Basil Hoskins
Jaron Yaltan
Homi Bode
Ronald Cardew

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