Horror Mystery
Rose, a desperate mother takes her adopted daughter, Sharon, to the town of Silent Hill in an attempt to cure her of her ailment. After a violent car crash, Sharon disappears and Rose begins a desperate search to get her back. She descends into the center of the twisted reality of a town's terrible secret. Pursued by grotesquely deformed creatures and townspeople stuck in permanent purgatory, Rose begins to uncover the truth behind the apocalyptic disaster that burned the town 30 years earlier.
Directed by
Christophe Gans
Written by
Roger Avary
Sean Bean
Christopher Da Silva
Eve Crawford
Sister Margaret
Kim Coates
Officer Thomas Gucci
Radha Mitchell
Rose Da Silva
Alice Krige
Laurie Holden
Cybil Bennett
Jodelle Ferland
Sharon / Alessa
Rhoslynne Bugay
Dark Nurse
Hannah Fleming
School Girl
Deborah Kara Unger
Dahlia Gillespie
Nicky Guadagni
Distressed Woman
Tig Fong
Lorry Ayers
Scarred Older Alessa
Roberto Campanella
Red Pyramid / Janitor / Colin
Emily Lineham
Red Nurse / Dark Nurse
Janet Land
Carrie Eklund
Dark Nurse
Chantelle Leonardo
Dark Nurse
Chris Britton
Melissa Panton
Dark Nurse
Tanya Allen
Ron Gabriel
Old Mechanic
Elizabeth Harpur
Amanda Hiebert
Gas Attendant
Brian Kaulback
Stephen R. Hart
Derek Ritschel
Young Police Officer
Colleen Williams
Florence MacGregor
Lynn Woodman
Holly Makarchuk
School Girl
Tatiana Haas
School Girl
Michael Cota
Armless Man
Yvonne Ng
Grey Child
Donna Milburn
Slashing Dark Nurse
Nadia Barosso
Dark Nurse
Noelle Boggio
Dark Nurse
Victoria Boland
Dark Nurse
Alicia Bundy
Dark Nurse
Rachel Crowther
Dark Nurse
Zsuzsanna Cseh
Dark Nurse
Judit Kovacs
Dark Nurse
Stephanie Lauder
Dark Nurse
Onika Ndukwe
Dark Nurse
Kat Olsen
Dark Nurse
Sylwia Pluta
Dark Nurse
Lisa Shaw
Dark Nurse
Tamara Smeaton
Dark Nurse
Nicole Ann St. Hill
Dark Nurse
Samantha Hayes
School Girl (uncredited)
Victor Sutton
Undead man (uncredited)
Dean Copkov

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