Action Drama
Benton Winston-Salem Convention Center, North Carolina 11/27/16 Angel Rose vs Samantha Heights Kelly Klein and Deonna Purrazzo vs Miss Diss Lexia and Fei Jackson w / "Sneaky Handsome" Zayn Riley Thunderkitti vs Roni Nicole Neva vs Ariela Monoram Lera Leiceson and Solo Darling vs. Sexy Young Caramel (Devin Nicole and Savannah Evans) Laurel Von Ness vs. Rachel Elaring Jade vs. Kennady Brink Queens Queens Championship Match - Teler Hendricks © against Soo Young.
Rachael Ellering
Rachel Ellering
Aerial Monroe
Rachel Freeman
Savannah Evans
Vannarah Riggs
Su Yung
Christina Garibaldi
Solo Darling
Chelsea Cardona
Laurel Van Ness
Samantha Heights
Samantha Heights
Roni Nicole
Roni Nicole
Kelly Klein
Kelly Klein
Zane Riley
Zane Riley
Deonna Kupryk
Deonna Purrazzo
Priscilla Zuniga
Angel Rose
Devyn Nicole
Devyn Nicole
Faye Elise
Faye Jackson
Stephanie Hym Lee
Leva Bates
Leva Bates
Miss Diss Lexia
Miss Diss Lexia
Taeler Conrad-Mellen
Taeler Hendrix
Beth Vocke-Crist
Jessika Evelyn Heiser
Kennadi Brink

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