Animation Crime Action Drama
Fujiko Mine, the devastating femme fatale whose only loyalty is to her desire, befriends a young boy whose late father hid away a fortune. A killer is on the boy's trail and it's up to Fujiko to stop him: but where do her interests really lie?
Directed by
Takeshi Koike
Miyuki Sawashiro
Fujiko Mine (voice)
Mamoru Miyano
Bincam (voice)
Mayumi Asano
Carla (voice)
Kanichi Kurita
Arsène Lupin III (voice)
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Daisuke Jigen (voice)
Tomoe Hanba
Gene (voice)
Volcano Ota
Bradley (voice)
Yasuyoshi Hara
Codfrey (voice)
Masato Obara
Randy (voice)
Takeshi Hayakawa
Hugo (voice)
Farahnaz Nikray
Security Guard A (voice)
Biichi Sato
Lark (voice)
Naoto Tsuchiya
Smith (voice)

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