Comedy Drama
Mervi is a gay girl living in the hipster quarters of Helsinki. She has been together with Kata for a year, and now they are encouraged by the circumstances to come out from closet. When they do, Mervi realises that she is not the only one in her family with secrets – her parents have been living in an open-bisexual-swinger-relationship for 20 years. On the other hand Kata is pretty surprised that she might be living with a hetero girl that once was dating a neo-nazi. And the ex-boy friend cannot swallow that Mervi is now with a person both of wrong color, and sex. The real threat appears when Kata’s parents arrive from Berlin and the local skinhead chief finds out that a black muslim celebrity politician has arrived to town.
Directed by
Teemu Nikki
Written by
Teemu Nikki, Jani Pösö
Almila Bağrıaçık
Kata Mohsen
Antti Reini
Topi Hirvi
Mari Rantasila
Kaisa Hirvi
Ona Kamu
Minttu Jalonen
Matti Onnismaa
Stephan Schad
Hermann Haettenschweiler
Leila Abdullah
Farrah Mohsen
Rami Rusinen
Hannes Suominen
Elias Westerberg
Mika Jalonen
Hannamaija Nikander
Susanna Pukkila
Mervi Hirvi
Jouko Puolanto
Osmo Jalonen
Youssef Asad Alkhatib
Jalal Haj Ali
Hassan Alsaleh
Markus Karekallas
Matti Rönkä
News anchor
Cerstin Cassidy
News anchor
Kersti Ahlgren
Frank Wiedmann

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