Adventure Action Drama
A group of ruthless pirates attack a 17th Century Huguenot settlement on the Isle of Devon in search of treasure and will stop at nothing to obtain it.
Directed by
John Gilling
Christopher Lee
Captain LaRoche
Oliver Reed
Pirate Brocaire
John Bennett
Penal Colony Guard (uncredited)
Andrew Keir
Jason Standing
Desmond Llewelyn
Tom Blackthorne (uncredited)
Marie Devereux
Maggie Mason (uncredited)
Dennis Waterman
Timothy Blackthorne, the boy
Glenn Corbett
Michael Ripper
First Mate Mack
Marla Landi
Bess Standing
Peter Arne
Bosu'n Hench
Kerwin Mathews
Jonathon Standing
David Lodge
Jerold Wells
Penal Colony Master
Ernie Rice
Pirate (uncredited)
Michael Mulcaster
Martin (uncredited)
John Collin
Lance (uncredited)
Dido Plumb
Prisoner (uncredited)
Jack Stewart
Godfrey Mason
Richard Bennett
Seymour (uncredited)
Michael Peake
Kemp (uncredited)
Bill Brandon
Pirate (uncredited)
Keith Pyott
Silas (uncredited)
Emile Stemmler
A villager (uncredited)
Jim Brady
Pirate (uncredited)
Bert Simms
Old Townsman (uncredited)
Denis Shaw
Silver (uncredited)
John Roden
2nd Settler (uncredited)
Don Levy
Carlos (uncredited)
George Hilsdon
Penal Colony Guard (uncredited)
Ronald Blackman
Pugh (uncredited)
Diane Aubrey
Margaret Blackthorne (uncredited)

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