Drama TV Movie
Jane McCoy, a recent college graduate, much to her parent's dismay, decides to scrap her plans for law school to pursue an acting career full-time. Struggling to make ends meet, she meets a confident and persuasive friend who shows her the way to make extra money go-go dancing. What starts as just an "easy money" job, however, rapidly becomes an all-consuming activity that slowly pulls Jane from her acting classes, her relationships with her boyfriend and family, and, most importantly, from her true self.
Directed by
Grant Harvey
Written by
Lenore Kletter
Corbin Bernsen
Nick Harvey
Sarah Carter
Angela Lucas
Chelsea Hobbs
Jane McCoy
Karen Kruper
Grace McCoy
Judith Buchan
Anne Branson
Rachel Hunter
Donna Mercer
Tygh Runyan
Kurt Powell
James Kot
Travis Milne
Eric Baldwin
Shae Keebler
Terry David Mulligan
Dr. Double D
Rod Heatherington
Best Man
Ashley Laventure
Dancer (uncredited)
Jennifer Rae Westley
James D. Hopkin
Jim McCoy
Graeme Black
Jamir 'Junior' McCoy
Stafford Lawrence
Khari Jones
Yuppie Manager
Scott McAdam
Shannon Micol
Young Woman
Raymond G. Rempel
High Roller Lawyer in Club (uncredited)
Mark William Strong
Club Patron (uncredited)

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