Animation Family Fantasy
After losing her family to fox hunters, five-tailed Yobi lives in the forest with some shipwrecked aliens, far away from the humans. When one of her alien friends gets captured by a villager, Yobi has no choice but to adventure into the human world to rescue him. At the village, Yobi meets many humans, including Geum Yee who studies at a school for maladjusted children. Interested in Geum Yee, Yobi joins the students and revels in the fun of human life, but both a fox hunter and a mysterious shadow man are on her trail.
Directed by
Lee Sung-gang
Written by
Lee Sung-gang
Son Ye-jin
Yobi (voice)
Lee Jong-goo
Hunter/Village Headman (voice)
Ryu Deok-hwan
Hwang Geum-ee (voice)
Gong Hyung-jin
Mr. Kang Han-moo (voice)
Lee Hyang-sook
Mother Spirit / Ju Hye-Seung (voice)
Lee Hyun-joo
Naughty Yo/ Saeng-Kee/ Sung-Chan (voice)
Kim So-hyeong
Mr. Shadow / Captain Yo (voice)
Jeong Ok-joo
Jung Jong-ee / Jong-ee's Mother/ Jung-Wook/ News Anchor (voice)
Seo Yun-seok
Chubby Yo/ Sambaba/ Reporter/ Policeman/ News Anchor (voice)
Choi Moon-ja
Hairy Yo/ Sambaba (voice)
Sa Seong-ung
Jumbo Yo / Jong's Father/ News Reporter/ Tae Soo (voice)
Lee Sun-ho
Tiny Yo/ Jung-Won (voice)
Chae Eui-jin
Sambaba / Jung Woo / Min Ho / Nurse (voice)

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