Adventure Fantasy Drama
Throughout his life Edward Bloom has always been a man of big appetites, enormous passions and tall tales. In his later years, he remains a huge mystery to his son, William. Now, to get to know the real man, Will begins piecing together a true picture of his father from flashbacks of his amazing adventures.
Directed by
Tim Burton
Ewan McGregor
Ed Bloom (young)
Steve Buscemi
Norther Winslow
Helena Bonham Carter
Jenny (young & senior) / The Witch
David Denman
Don Price (age 18-22)
Danny DeVito
Amos Calloway
Marion Cotillard
Billy Crudup
Will Bloom
Miley Cyrus
Ruthie (age 8)
Missi Pyle
Jessica Lange
Sandra Bloom (senior)
Albert Finney
Ed Bloom (senior)
Alison Lohman
Sandra Bloom (young)
Trevor Gagnon
Will's son
Billy Redden
Banjo Man
Robert Guillaume
Dr. Bennett (senior)
Karla Droege
Ed's Mother
Deep Roy
Mr. Soggybottom
Darrell Vanterpool
Wilbur (age 10)
Bonnie Johnson
Teller Woman
Frank Hoyt Taylor
Russell Hodgkinson
Some Farmer
Corey Michael Eubanks
Ada Tai
Loudon Wainwright III
Matthew McGrory
Karl the Giant
John Lowell
Don Price (age 12)
Zach Hanner
Arlene Tai
Lawrence Sykkmon
Chinese Emcee
Morgan Grace Jarrett
Will's Date
R. Keith Harris
Ed's Father
L.C. Holt
Spectre Citizen (uncredited)
James DeForest Parker
Shotgun Toter
Hailey Anne Nelson
Jenny (age 8)
Perry Walston
Ed Bloom (age 10)
Grayson Stone
Will Bloom (age 6-8)
Zac Gardner
Zacky Price (age 10)
Joseph Humphrey
Little Brave
Sallie Hedrick
Pretty Girl
Charles McLawhorn
Savanna James
Little Girl
Jayne Morgan
David Ramsey
Greg Hohn
George McArthur
Jeff Campbell
Jump Leader
Howard Houston Jr.
Piano Student
Joanne Pankow
Heavy Set Nurse
Jacob Radford
Karlos Walkes
Dr. Bennett (young)
Cathy Berry
Lobster Woman
John Fugate
Side Show Barker
Metz Duites
Vincent J. Ybiernas
Asian Officer
Barry C. Harvard
Chicken Plant Operator
Edward Aldag
Municipal Dump Owner
Michael Garnet Stewart
Will Thomas
Spectre Citizen (uncredited)

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