Animation Adventure Family Comedy
When a greedy bear steals a magic stone to keep the forest’s water for himself, a brave hedgehog and a timid squirrel must work together to retrieve it.
Directed by
Regina Welker, Mimi Maynard, Andrea Deppert, Nina Wels
Regina Lemnitz
Greta (voice)
Michael Deffert
Lupo (voice)
Timur Bartels
Amaroo (voice)
Mimi Maynard
Uli Krohm
Johnson (voice)
Luisa Wietzorek
Latte (voice)
Henning Baum
Bantur (voice)
Mareile Moeller
Svea (voice)
Nicolas Böll
Tjum's father (voice)
Maud Ackermann
Tjum's mother (voice)
Helen Blaschke
Mira (voice)
Sebastian Christoph Jacob
Aken (voice)
Hans Bayer
Vilho (voice)

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