Animation Drama Family
September 1989 in the GDR. With the change of the general mood in the country, the life of 12-year-old FRITZI changes as well. Her best friend Sophie has fled with her mother through Hungary to West Germany and the only thing Fritzi has left is Sophie's little dog Sputnik. But Fritzi misses Sophie just as much as her little four-legged friend does. Therefore, she decides to bring Sputnik to Sophie. But there is only one way to get there: over the strictly guarded border. A very dangerous adventure for a 12-year-old girl and a small dog...
Directed by
Matthias Bruhn, Ralf Kukula
Written by
Péter Palátsik, Beate Völcker
Ali Lyons
Lucy Carolan
Oisin Conroy
James O'Donohue
Nicola Lindsay
Clare Louise O'Mara
Agent de voyage (voice)

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