Drama Thriller
Warsaw, Poland, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. Josh Mansky, a troubled math genius and former US chess champion, is recruited to hold a dangerous public match against the Soviet champion, while playing the deadly game of espionage hidden in the darkest shadows of a hostile territory.
Directed by
Łukasz Kośmicki
Bill Pullman
Joshua Mansky
Nicholas Farrell
G. Moran
Aleksey Serebryakov
Lotte Verbeek
Agent Stone
Corey Johnson
Donald Novak
James Bloor
Agent White
Evgeniy Sidikhin
Magdalena Boczarska
Wojciech Mecwaldowski
Maurycy Łyczko
Andy Beckwith
Małgorzata Klara
John Benfield
Cezary Kosiński
Robert Więckiewicz
PKiN Director
Marcin Juchniewicz
Policjant przy blokadzie drogi
Ksawery Szlenkier
Aleksandr Lobanov
Ludwik Borkowski

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