Action Crime Drama TV Movie
Lt. Dan August is a homicide detective in his hometown of Santa Luisa, California. In this reediting of two episodes of Burt Reynolds' "Dan August" TV series, August and his partner Wilentz investigate the slayings of two winos who died after drinking poisoned whiskey and the rape and murder of a young woman.
Directed by
Ralph Senensky, Virgil W. Vogel
Written by
Robert C. Dennis
Burt Reynolds
Lt. Dan August
Richard Anderson
Chief George Untermeyer
Norman Fell
Sgt. Charles Wilentz
Susan Oliver
Leona Serling
Fritz Weaver
Dr. Michael Serling
Ahna Capri
Linda Perry
Jan-Michael Vincent
Kevin Colter
Ned Romero
Sgt. Joe Rivera
Rusty Lane
(archive footage)
John Lasell
Gerald S. O'Loughlin
Dominic Lazar
Ken Scott
Tony Colti
(Archive footage)
Jerry Ayres
Dr. Rodell (archive footage)

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