Romance Comedy
A story about an obese Filipina who is in love with a hot guy. Accidentally, an incident revealed that Lloyd is not interested with Patty because she is too fat. Patty embarked on a journey of losing weight.
Directed by
Dave Cecilio
Written by
Dave Cecilio
Marlon Marcia
Lloyd Corpuz
Andrew Gan
Jef Gaitan
Patty Sandoval
MM Gigante
Judith Yap
Tommy Peñaflor
Louie Castillo
Drei Roxas
Yaya Sabel
Meryl Bunyi
Violy Perez
Matt de Leon
Fiona Piedad
Vanessa Alariao
Dr. Gina Rivera
MIled Grace Austria
Rhea Usares
John Michael Wagnon
Esel Pance
Faith Cabebe
Miguel Reyes
Jordhen Suan

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