Action Sci-Fi
Arata Kagami seeks to get the Hyper Zecter just like Souji Tendou, so he tries to emulate Tendou. Once he realizes that he has to be himself, the Hyper Zecter appears and allows him to transform into Kamen Rider Gatack Hyper Form.
Directed by
Takayuki Shibasaki
Written by
Naomi Takebe
Kōji Yusa
Gatack Zecter (voice)
Tomokazu Seki
Kabuto Zecter (voice)
Natsumi Okumura
Jyuka Tendou
Hiro Mizushima
Souji Tendou / Kamen Rider Kabuto
Yuki Sato
Arata Kagami / Kamen Rider Gatack
Surage Gajria
Zecter Driver (voice)

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