Music Drama Romance
In New York City, a young writer's resolute belief in true love is put to the test by a beautiful girl and her struggle with addiction. This original rock musical drama is made unique by its non-musical scenes spoken purely in verse.
Directed by
Jack Danini
Written by
Jack Danini
Al Pagano
Father Conor
Julia Nightingale
Sarah Andrews
Victoria Meade
Alexa Lynn
Chandler Lovelle
Drunk Girl 1
Giuseppe Bausilio
Michael Fiorelli
Al Nazemian
Jeff Smith
John G. Leroux
Kaylor Otwell
Kate Johnson
Marcus Harmon
Richy Sanders
Keaton Eckhoff
Tim High (Bartender)
John Caliendo
Guy at Club Table 1
Anna Aguilar
Drunk Girl 2
Jerimie Lewzcuk
Bouncer at Club
Tyler Landis
YouTube Vlogger
Hermione Heckrich
Girl in Bookstore
Zach Etkin
Man at Party

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