Animation Family Fantasy
Kibosh, supreme ruler of all ghosts, decrees that casper must scare at least one person before Christmas Day so Casper visits Kriss, Massachusetts where he meets the Jollimore family and sets out to complete his mission. As usual, kindhearted Casper has a ghastky time trying to scare anyone; so The Ghostly Trio, fed up with his goody-boo-shoes behavior, secretly hires Casper's look-alike cousin Spooky to do the job-with hilarious results.
Directed by
Owen Hurley
Mark Rolston
Tegan Moss
Holly Jollimore (voice)
Randy Travis
Sam Vincent
Spooky (voice)
Robert Buckley
Lee Tockar
Snivel (voice)
Scott McNeil
Stretch / Noel Jollimore (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Poil (voice)
David Kaye
Brendon Ryan Barrett
Casper (voice)
Graeme Kingston
Falso (voice)
Elizabeth Carol Savenkoff
Kathleen Barr
Carol Jollimor (voice)
Ian James Corlett
Little Kind (voice)
Terry Klassen
Skinkie (voice)
Colin Murdock
Kibosh (voice)
Eddie Fitzgerald

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