Drama History
Emperor Francis Joseph I is about to arrive in Prague, and among those who came to Stromovka to welcome him is Veronika Pavlitová. She wants to submit a request for clemency for her imprisoned father to the emperor, because she is barely able to support herself and her siblings on the meager salary of a seamstress. By chance, the girl meets Božena Němcová, whom she admires immensely. She becomes her friend and confidant for a while. However, police director Paümann, who has been following Božena Němcová for a long time, takes advantage of the naivety of the young girl. Veronika, in her simple-mindedness, tells him many things. Only later will she understand how she was abused.
Directed by
Otakar Vávra
František Němec
Dr. Lambl
Jiří Bartoška
Dana Morávková
Martin Růžek
Jiří Adamíra
Oto Ševčík
Guard Commander (voice)
Taťjana Medvecká
Veronika Pavlitová
Oldřich Vízner
V.C. Bendl
Viktor Preiss
Josef V. Fric
Jan Přeučil
Jana Hlaváčová
Bozena Nemcová
Radovan Lukavský
Josef Nemec
Alena Procházková
Růžena Lysenková
Ludmila Roubíková
Vladimír Salač
Růžena Merunková
Lambl's sister
Svatava Hubeňáková
Jaroslav Radimecký
Jan E. Purkyne
Eliška Sirová
Drahoslava Landsmanová
Vladimír Bičík
Antonín Brtoun
Milan Sandhaus
Jana Vychodilová
Eva Řepíková
Libuše Šedivá
Petr Patera
Jakub Bufka
Jan Vedral
Gaston Šubert
Martina Horáčková
David Ostrýt
Zbyněk Vítů
František Michálek
Jiří Hein
Man Stromovka
Tomáš Hendrych
Emperor Franz Joseph I.
Jiří Kraus
Frantisek Stupka
Jaroslav Tomsa

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