Comedy Romance
A guy meets the woman of his dreams and invites her to his company's corporate retreat, but realizes he sent the invite to the wrong person.
Directed by
Tyler Spindel
Written by
Kevin Barnett, Chris Pappas
Jackie Sandler
Adam Sandler
Sadie Sandler
Lobby Strong Sadie
Sunny Sandler
Lobby Strong Sunny
Rob Schneider
Jorge Garcia
Guy on Plane
Lauren Lapkus
David Spade
Tim Morris
Bobby Lee
Check-In Desk Employee
Geoff Pierson
Jack Winstone
Sarah Chalke
Nick Swardson
Allen Covert
Bank Employee
Molly Sims
John Farley
Calvin Sr.
Chris Witaske
Chris Titone
Jared Sandler
Vanilla Ice
Vanilla Ice
Joseph Vecsey
Airline Employee
Sarah Souza
Spa Attendant
Jonathan Loughran
Alina Andrei
Kevin Yamada
Resort Waiter
Joe Anoa'i
Arlene Newman
Barbara Winstone
Tyler Spindel
Jeff Juett
Additional Silhouette Dancer
Katelyn Brooke
Mia Adams
The Right Staff Team
Terry Bookhart
Additional Silhouette Dancer
Lori Pelenise Tuisano
Bus Woman
Candace Smith
Robert Harvey
Talent Show Coordinator
Brendin Brown
Bank Employee
Elisabeth P. Carpenter
Brian L. Keaulana
Walter S. Gaines
The Right Staff Team
Camille Claire Senseman
Therese Olival
Flight Attendant
Emma Rose Goldstein
Lobby Strong Emma
Darah Dung
Hotel Employee
Janice Morimoto
Spa Attendant
Adele Chu
Woman on Plane
Antoine Banks-Sullivan
Silhouette Dance Double
Derek Stratton
Silhouette Dance Double
Jennifer Jordan Kriston
Silhouette Dance Double
Matt Del Rosario
Silhouette Dance Double
Arianna Nakamine
Silhouette Dance Double
Michael Johnston
Silhouette Dance Double
Jessica Sector
Silhouette Dance Double
Karla Schuneman
The Right Staff Team
Edward Chin
The Right Staff Team
Jean Simon
The Right Staff Team
LeGrand Lawrence
The Right Staff Team
Amber Walls
Additional Silhouette Dancer
Kaylee Kristin
Additional Silhouette Dancer
Steven Sung
Additional Silhouette Dancer
Kevin Safstrom
Additional Silhouette Dancer
Christian Pair
Additional Silhouette Dancer
Dustin Geiger

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