History Drama
In 1801, after a new king ascended the throne, a scholar Jeong Yak-jeon who served the late king is exiled to Heuk-san Island. There he meets Chang-dae, a young fisherman who is a huge admirer of Confucianism and has a wide knowledge about the sea.
Directed by
Lee Joon-ik
Written by
Kim Se-gyeom
Lee Jung-eun
Mrs. Gageo
Choi Won-young
Jeong Yak-jong
Sol Kyung-gu
Jeong Yak-jeon
Jung Jin-young
Kang Ki-young
Lee Gang-hoe
Jo Woo-jin
Byeol Jang
Kim Eui-sung
Mr. Jang
Ryu Seung-ryong
Jeong Yak-yong
Kim Jun-han
Hwang Sa-young
Kim Jung-pal
Lee Seung-hoon
Byun Yo-han
Dong Bang-woo
Naju Mayor
Pang Eun-jin
Chang-dae's Mother
Yoon Kyung-ho
Moon Soon-deok
Min Do-hee
Cha Soon-bae
Lee Young-suk
Shim Hwan-ji
Lee Sun-ju
Min Tae-yul
Naju Petty Official
Joo Bo-bi
Ms. Naju
Cho Seung-yeon
Lee Byeok
Kim Yun-tae
Majae Gold Guru
Jin Jae-hee
Wrestling Child
Bae Je-gi
Resident 1
Ham Geon-su
Yoo In-hye

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