Action Crime Drama
Brothers Kishan and Karan grow up in Bombay. Karan soon leaves to study in America while Kishan enters into a life of crime, falling under the sway of Anna Seth, a drug lord. When Karan returns to Bombay, Kishan intends to keep him as far away from his criminal life as possible, but things don't go as planned.
Directed by
Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Anil Kapoor
Karan Choudhary
Madhuri Dixit
Paromita "Paro" Nair
Anupam Kher
Inspector Prakash Nair
Nana Patekar
Anna Seth
Jackie Shroff
Kishan Choudhary
Shivkumar Subramaniam
Anang Desai
Inspector Mirani
Tom Alter
Kamal Chopra
Rama Reddy
Sameer Kakkar
Achyut Potdar
Suresh Oberoi
Dilip Kulkarni
Inspector Chauhan

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