Drama War
In the final days of the Second World War in 1945 Frantisek Pribyl is killed during a shoot-out with the Germans. After the funeral, the widow (Jana Svandová) and her two young sons Martin and Ondra move to her deceased husband's native village at the foot of the Kralický Snezník mountains. Life in the borderlands is far from easy for the lonely woman. The village is almost deserted, food supplies are delayed; the Werwolf (Nazi guerrilla squads) are hiding in the mountains, and shooting is heard from time to time. The elder son Ondra (Michal Dlouhý) is helping out his mother and at the same time absorbing intense new experiences. He meets an old Czech resident Skurek (Lubomír Kostelka), German women working in the forest, soldiers from the engineering units removing the mines, and a young first lieutenant. At night he dreams about his dead father whom he loved very much. This is why he runs away from home when he finds out that the lieutenant is courting his mother.
Directed by
Karel Kachyňa
Jana Švandová
maminka Přibylová
Jiří Kodet
František Přibyl, otec Ondry a Martina
Jiří Knot
Gabriela Wilhelmová
Michal Dlouhý
Ondra - syn Přibylové
Zdeněk Srstka
Bořivoj Navrátil
sovětský důstojník
František Němec
kapitán, později učitel
Miroslav Macháček
antifašista Alfred Bartl zvaný Freda
Lubomír Kostelka
správce Škurek
Ivan Vyskočil
nadporučík Bedřich
Magdaléna Holendrová
Bára Štěpánová
Marek Mikuláš
Martin - Ondrův mladší bratr
Michal Pešek
Rudi, Bartlův syn
Lena Birková
Blanka Lormanová
Gabriela Najmanová
Zuzana Talpová
Pavel Jiras
přistěhovalec Libor
Hana Pastejříková
Liborova žena
Jiří Kodeš
Martin Učík
Zdeněk Martínek
starý učitel
Jiří Prýmek
Vojtěch Ron

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