Animation Fantasy
The peaceful Kingdom of the Wee Dragons is plunged into turmoil, when villainous Blister teams with fearsome dragon Durwyn, to overthrow King Bedwyr and force his daughter, Princess Cai, to marry the evil goblin, King Foul. Noble dragon Boil, along with his sidekick Big Gurt, journeys through time and space, meeting magical friends and foes alike, in a desperate effort to free the king, restore the land, and win the heart of the princess.
Directed by
Alex Sebastian
Written by
BC Fourteen
KJ Schrock
Barnock (voice)
Graham Sanderson
Grunt (voice)
Bobby Moyna
Pluck (voice)
Sam Tiara
Sage (voice)
Sarah Roberts
Charlie (voice)
Gina Carlos
Toni (voice)
Tina M. Schuster
Princess Cai (voice)
Sarah Taylor
Fairy Pie (voice)

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