Drama TV Movie
Ken Talley, a Vietnam vet who lost his legs in combat, lives in a farmhouse in rural Missouri with his lover, Jed. Traumatized and bitter, Ken struggles to find meaning in his life. As he contemplates selling the farmhouse, old friends and family members descend for a vacation. Originally broadcast as part of the series "American Playhouse" (season 1, episode 9).
Directed by
Marshall W. Mason, Kirk Browning
Jeff Daniels
Jed Jenkins
Cynthia Nixon
Shirley Talley
Richard Thomas
Kenneth Talley Jr.
Swoosie Kurtz
Gwen Landis
Helen Stenborg
Sally Friedman
Jonathan Hogan
John Landis
Danton Stone
Weston Hurley
Joyce Reehling
June Talley

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