Comedy Romance
Ali is a young man in his twenties who hunts doves. His relationships and vision of life develop, and he reaches the age of forty, which changes his outlook on everything he experiences in life, starting from his marital relationship to all his other human relationships.
Directed by
Ismail Mourad
Written by
Ismail Mourad, Alaa Azzam
Lotfy Labib
ضيف شرف
Ahmad Rateb
Salwa Othman
Sabry Fawaz
Talaat Zakaria
مدرب الصيد
Salah Abdallah
Hanan Motawie
Reda Idrees
Ahmed Kamal
Hady Khafaga
Ola Ghanem
Donia Abdel Azziz
Ashraf Abdel Baky
Raouf Moustafa
Abd Allah Meshref
Heba Abdel Ghany
Alaa Zinhom

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