Crime Drama Mystery
The chief investigator of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is banking on a key witness, the corporate accountant Jack, to testify in court against a high-level customs officer and a tobacco trading company CEO accused of bribery and smuggling. When neither Jack nor the CEO show up on the day of the hearing, King is given seven days to save the prosecution’s case.
Directed by
Alan Mak
Nick Cheung Ka-Fai
Hui Chik Yiu
Hugo Ng
Anita Yuen Wing-Yee
Chung Ka Ling
Sean Lau Ching-Wan
Chan King Chi
Alex Fong Chung-Sun
Ma Yuk Man
Bonnie Wong
Carlos Chan Ka-Lok
Ronald Wong
Lam Wai
Felix Lok Ying-Kwan
Karena Lam Kar-Yan
Kong Suet Yee
Kathy Tong Yee
Tsz Ching
Alva Chun
Chan Chiu-Kwan's Wife

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