Animation Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi Fantasy Family
During a Japanese robotic exploration to find life on the other side of the moon, Nobita is watching from Earth and sees the moon turn yellow. With the help of Doraemon, the pair travel to the moon and create bunnies that will build their own colony. After he returns, Nobita tells his class about their adventure but no one will believe him. That is until a new student and his sister arrive who appear to come from a very far away place.
Directed by
Shinnosuke Yakuwa
Kotono Mitsuishi
Tamako Nobi (voice)
Junko Minagawa
Luka (voice)
Akeno Watanabe
Moobit (voice)
Ikue Otani
Aru (voice)
Kotaro Yoshida
Diablo (voice)
Yasunori Matsumoto
Nobisuke Nobi (voice)
Yuya Yagira
Goddard (voice)
Alice Hirose
Luna (voice)
Michiyo Murase
Nuru (voice)
Megumi Oohara
Nobita (voice)
Tomokazu Seki
Suneo (voice)
Hitomi Nabatame
Rukoru (voice)
Yumi Kakazu
Shizuka (voice)
Subaru Kimura
Gian (voice)
Wataru Takagi
Teacher (voice)
Wasabi Mizuta
Doraemon (voice)
Shigeo Takahashi
Crab (voice)
Kim Da-hye
Hired Assassin (voice)
Sōichi Nakaoka
Cancer (voice)
Shihoko Hagino
Dekisugi (voice)
Mozo (voice)
Ai Sakai
Kaia (voice)
Noriaki Kimiko
Moru (voice)
Kim Junga
Jingu (voice)

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