Animation Adventure Fantasy Mystery Drama Sci-Fi
A continuation of the epic adventure of plucky Riko and Reg who are joined by their new friend Nanachi. Together they descend into the Abyss' treacherous fifth layer, the Sea of Corpses, and encounter the mysterious Bondrewd, a legendary White Whistle whose shadow looms over Nanachi's troubled past. Bondrewd is ingratiatingly hospitable, but the brave adventurers know things are not always as they seem in the enigmatic Abyss.
Directed by
Masayuki Kojima
Aki Toyosaki
Marulk (voice)
Yuuki Shin
Umbra Hands (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Bondrewd (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Lyza / Narration (voice)
Mariya Ise
Reg (voice)
Inori Minase
Prushka (voice)
Akihiro Tajima
Umbra Hands (voice)
Sayaka Ohara
Ozen (voice)
Takayuki Nakatsukasa
Umbra Hands (voice)
Eri Kitamura
Mitty (voice)
Mutsumi Tamura
Nat (voice)
Shinnosuke Musashi
Umbra Hands (voice)
Kousuke Echigoya
Umbra Hands (voice)
Hiroki Goto
Umbra Hands (voice)
Genta Nakamura
Umbra Hands (voice)
Yoshimitsu Shimoyama
Tankutsuka (voice)
Shiori Izawa
Nanachi (voice)
Miyu Tomita
Riko (voice)
Shinji Kawada
Gueira (voice)
Tetsu Inada
Habolg (voice)
Natsuko Hara
Meinya (voice)

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