Drama Animation Fantasy
The radical new take on Dickens’ classic seeks both to exhume the original story’s gritty commentary on social inequality and the corrupting influence of greed, and to breathe new life into the lyricism of the original text by setting its scenes to extraordinary tableaux of modern dance.
Directed by
David Morris, Jacqui Morris
Andy Serkis
Marley's Ghost (voice)
Martin Freeman
Bob Cratchit (voice)
Carey Mulligan
Belle (voice)
Daniel Kaluuya
The Ghost of Christmas Present (voice)
Simon Russell Beale
Scrooge's voice (voice)
Siân Phillips
Grandmother / narrator (voice)
Leslie Caron
The Ghost of Christmas Past (voice)
Tom Stourton
Fred/Charity Worker (voice)
Thea Achillea
Bradley Waller
Charity Worker's Dancer
Ruby McMillian-Wilson
Oliver John Lock
Richard Cotton
Georgina Sutcliffe
Simone Donalti
Fred's dancer
Karl Fagerlund Brekke
Bob Cratchit's dancer
Russell Maliphant

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