Action Thriller Adventure
Workaholic reporter, Jack Elgin takes his family on a working trip to India, but their aircraft is hijacked in Cyprus by a previously-unknown terrorist movement, and his wife and daughter are among the slaughtered. With western governments suppressing key facts and unwilling to go after the terrorists, Jack uses his contacts and snooping skill to seek the truth himself.
Directed by
John Irvin
Jeremy Irons
Jack Elgin
Charlotte Rampling
Kate Stockton
Forest Whitaker
Agent Jules Bernard
Ian McNeice
Lewison, MI5 Officer
Jason Priestley
Henry Davidson
Lois Maxwell
William Armstrong
Natasha Williams
Theatre Bar Girl
Anna Maguire
Joanne Elgin
Paul Birchard
Peter Wight
Michael Sarne
Leo Hasse
Kate Fahy
Gail (Jack's Secretary)
Timothy West
Garrick Hagon
Briony Glassco
Maria Elgin
Barry Jackson
Holly Boyd
Kal Weber
Patrick Watson
U.S. Ambassador
Badi Uzzaman
Dr. Mackay
Julian Rivett
Sasha Polenkow
Robin Hunter
Joel Pitts
Andrew Elgin
Serge Soric
Ivanic Loyvek
Ivan Marevich
Karadan Maldic
Dorin Rimbu
Milos Zderiko
Joerg Stadler
Anton Kostic
Peter Majer
Mirostav Matanovic
John Ioannou
Gen. Patakis
Neil Daglish
Senior Police Officer
Catherine Hood
Junior Doctor
Madeleine Slater
Ivanic's Daughter
Yuri Stepanov
Dusan Velikovic

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