Drama History
Based in the backdrop of 19th century Bengal, Rosogolla is a story of a young man with a romantic heart and brilliant mind — Nabin Chandra Das, who had set his heart on making the most delicious sweet of all time for his wife, Khirodmoni. Rosogolla is a story of the many trial and tribulations in his journey of making something unique, of innocent love, struggle and human aspiration for novelty.
Directed by
Pavel Bhattacharjee
Written by
Smaranjit Chakraborty
Kharaj Mukherjee
Subhashree Ganguly
Bidipta Chakraborty
Aparajita Adhya
Kaushik Sen
Sourav Saha
Laboni Sarkar
Shantilal Mukherjee
Effeminate man
Anamika Saha
Ujaan Ganguly
Nabin Chandra Das
Rajatabha Dutta
Kalidas Indra
Kaushik Banerjee
Debdut Ghosh
Chiranjeet Chakraborty
Subhrajit Dutta
Tamal Ray Chowdhury
Abantika Biswas
Lew Hilt

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