Action Comedy
Success Hung, an ace cell phone salesman who his feeling the heat from young, up and comer Miss Cheng. One day, Hung witnesses a mob hit. Though the panic-stricken salesman tries to tell his friends about the incident, Hung's gift for exaggeration in the past makes everyone suspicion of his claims except for a relative the deceased who comes to believe that Hung pulled the trigger.
Directed by
Sammo Hung
Sammo Hung
Success Hung
Collin Chou
Carol Cheng
Miss Cheng
Lam Ching-Ying
Jacky Cheung Hok-Yau
Tommy Wong
Murder Victim
Billy Lau
Man at Mall
Richard Ng
Mr. Chow
Brandy Yuen Jan-Yeung
Timmy Hung
Gang Member
Joyce Godenzi
Doctor Ko
James Tien Chuen
Pauline Wong Yuk-Wan
Teddy Yip Wing-Cho
Boss Yip
Yuen Miu
Alex To
Leung Kei-Hei
Lowell Lo Koon-Ting
Ding Yue
Sam Kai-Sen Huang
Wong Sam
Yu Li
Lisa Yu
Lam Kwok-Kit
Gang Member
Billy Ching Sau-Yat
Gang Member
Yam Wai-Hung
Gang Member
Wu Zhan-Peng
Murder Victim
Hon Ping
Gang Member
Tsim Siu-Ling
Gang Member
Jue Wan-Sing
Gang Member
Yu Ming-Hin
Mark Cheung Yiu-Fai
Fiona Lee Fung-Mei

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