Animation Comedy Family
When Spongebob first learns of Christmas and Santa from Sandy, he wastes no time to notify everyone in Bakini Bottom. Before long, everyone in town is exited and stays up all night on Christmas Eve to see Santa. But when he doesn't come all hope is lost for The Bakini Bottom's first Christmas. Is Christmas lost forever, or is there a snowball's chance of the holiday spirit coming underwater?
Written by
Paul Tibbitt, Mr. Lawrence, Walt Dohrn
Clancy Brown
Mr. Krabs
Tom Kenny
Spongebob (Voice)/Patchy the Pirate
Sara Paxton
Little Girl
Carolyn Lawrence
Sandy Cheeks
Bill Fagerbakke
Patrick Star
Rodger Bumpass
Mr. Lawrence
Walt Dohrn
Mike Bell
Santa Claus
Austin Stout
Little Boy

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