History Drama
Taken out of the pages of history itself, this is the story of the sizzling love between Kenreimon-in of the Taira Clan and Yoshitsuné of the Minamoto Clan. When the Taira Clan had met ignominious defeat at the hands of Yoshitsuné, Kenreimon-in had jumped into the sea with her son, the infant Emperor, but only she had been rescued by Yoshitsuné. A rough-hewn warrior, Yoshitsuné had taken her by force until he awakened an answering love in the Empress with his chamber techniques.
Directed by
Tatsumi Kumashiro
Junko Miyashita
Hōsei Komatsu
Morio Kazama
Akira Takahashi
Yuri Yamashina
Aoi Nakajima
Tokuko Watanabe
Jun Aki
Genshū Hanayagi
Kibaji Tankobo
Reika Maki
Noboru Mitani
Morihei Murakuni
Yuri Risa
Haruka Tajima
Midori Mori
Jun Todoki

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