Animation Drama Family
Marona, an innocent and empathetic little female dog, remembers the life she has shared with different masters, whom she has loved unconditionally.
Directed by
Anca Damian
Maïra Schmitt
Solange Teenager (voice)
Anghel Damian
Lizzie Brocheré
Marona (voice)
Bruno Salomone
Manole (voice)
Isabelle Vitari
Mădălina (voice)
Annie Mercier
Istvan's Mother (voice)
Nathalie Boutefeu
Medeea - Solange's Mother (voice)
Georges Claisse
Solange's Grandpa (voice)
Thierry Hancisse
Istvan (voice)
Etienne Guillou-Kervern
Veterinarian (voice)
Shirelle Mai-Yvart
Solange Child (voice)
Philippe Sax
Doctor (voice)
Félicie Robert
Ostrich (voice)

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