Action Thriller Drama Mystery
When inexperienced criminal Ben holds up a small-town restaurant, the poorly-planned robbery spirals into a hostage crisis beyond his control. Trapped inside with him is his girlfriend, manager Adie Graham, a cunning sociopath who masterminded the theft to cover up evidence of her embezzlement. As Ben tries to keep her involvement a secret whilst negotiating with the police, Adie plays a dangerous game of deceit and manipulation, willing to do anything and everything to come out on top - no matter who gets hurt.
Directed by
Chase Dudley
Written by
Brentt Slabchuck
Lara Jean Sullivan
Adie Graham
Colton Wheeler
Tiffani Fest
Detective Riley
Derek Babb
Bishop Stevens
Sheriff Kirby
Sophia Manyet
Angry Mom
Dennis Roach
Single Dad

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