Drama Comedy
In a bizarre Breton library that collects rejected, never published manuscripts, a young editor discovers a novel that she considers a masterpiece. It was written by a certain Henri Pick, a cook who died two years earlier and who, according to his widow, had never read a book in his life or written anything but a shopping list... Did he have a secret life? When the book becomes a huge best-seller, Jean- Michel Rouche, a skeptical and stubborn literary critic, teams up with Joséphine, Pick’s daughter, to unravel the mystery.
Directed by
Rémi Bezançon
Written by
Vanessa Portal, Rémi Bezançon
Camille Cottin
Joséphine Pick
Philypa Phoenix
Wendy Bellamy
Alice Isaaz
Daphné Despero
Hanna Schygulla
Ludmila Blavitsky
Louka Meliava
Georges-Charles d'Anthès
Fabrice Luchini
Jean Michel Rouche
Vincent Winterhalter
Gérard Despero
Astrid Whettnall
Inès de Crécy
Josiane Stoléru
Madeleine Pick
Pierre Bourel
Alexandre Pouchkine
Marc Fraize
Jean-Pierre Gourvec
Annie Mercier
Bénédicte Le Floch
Bastien Bouillon
Fred Koskas
Florence Muller
Brigitte Rouche
Marie-Christine Orry
Magali Roze, la bibliothécaire
Louis Descols
Vicomte d'Archiac

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