Animation Drama Comedy Music
When the prospect of an Elwood City concert by the Backstreet Boys drives everyone else into a frenzy, a disgusted Francine decides to counter with an "anti-cute" band of her own called U Stink. But things don't go quite the way she had planned.
Directed by
Greg Bailey
Written by
Kathy Waugh
Kevin Richardson
Himself (voice)
Vanessa Lengies
Emily (voice)
Mark Rendall
Arthur Read (voice)
Mark Camacho
Oliver Frensky (voice)
Melissa Altro
Muffy Crosswire (voice)
Bruce Dinsmore
David Read / Binky Barnes (voice)
Tracy Braunstein
Kate Read (voice)
Brian Littrell
Himself (voice)
Nick Carter
Himself (voice)
Howie Dorough
Himself (voice)
Ellen David
Bitzi Baxter (voice)
Daniel Brochu
Buster Baxter (voice)
Maggie Castle
Molly MacDonald (voice)
Sonja Ball
Jane Read (voice)
Greg Kramer
Nemo (voice)
Jodie Resther
Francine Frensky (voice)
Arthur Holden
Mr. Ratburn (voice)
Eleanor Noble
Perky Newswoman (voice)
Jonathan Koensgen
Tommy Tibble (voice)
Walter Massey
Principal Haney (voice)
Bronwen Mantel
Mrs. MacGrady (voice)
Holly Gauthier-Frankel
Fern Walters (voice)
Simon Peacock
Pal (voice)
AJ McLean
Himself (voice)
Jason Szwimmer
Dora Winifred 'D.W.' Read (voice)
A.J. Henderson
Ed Crosswire (voice)
Samuel Holden
Timmy Tibble (voice)
Alex Hood
Alan 'The Brain' Powers (voice)
Kate Hutchison
Paige Turner (voice)
Tamar Kozlov
Prunella Deegan (voice)
Joanna Noyes
Grandma Thora Read (voice)
Hayley Reynolds
Nadine (voice)
Patricia Rodríguez
Sue Ellen Armstrong (voice)
Mitchell David Rothpan
George (voice)

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