Crime Drama
The yacht of millionaire Hellmann explodes in the Mediterranean Sea, with him and 8 men crew on board. Insurance agent Lucas investigates at the Cote D'Azur, because there's the suspicion that it could have been suicide. He finds out that Hellmann's villa was monitored, the tapes also contain information about the explosion. He uses them for blackmail.
Directed by
Alfred Vohrer
Maurice Ronet
Robert Lucas
Walter Kohut
Robert Dalban
Commissaire Principal
Karin Dor
Nicole Monnier
Marthe Keller
Angela Delpierre
Raymond Pellegrin
Commissaire Lacrosse
Charlotte Kerr
Hilde Hellmann
Anton Diffring
John Keelwood
Klaus Schwarzkopf
Heinz Baumann
Bank Manager
Herbert Fleischmann
Eva Pflug
Karin Lucas
Alf Marholm
André Falcon
Günter Mack
Philippe Baronnet
Christian Barbier
Inspektor Dupin
Karl Walter Diess
Friedrich Nowottny
TV Reporter

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