Comedy Action
The diabolical Goldsinger, enraged at being excluded from the UN, hatches a plot to blow up the assembly while all the heads of the state participate. Luckily, inept agent James Tont discovers the plot and sets out to stop Goldsinger.
Directed by
Bruno Corbucci, Giovanni Grimaldi
Written by
Bruno Corbucci, Giovanni Grimaldi
Lando Buzzanca
James Tont Agent 007 1/2
Gina Rovere
Franco Ressel
Loris Gizzi
George Wang
Susanna Clemm
Evi Marandi
Barbara Ray Agent SOS 112
Walter Maestosi
Tristian Reider
Corinne Fontaine
Miss Lollypop
Bruno Scipioni
Alighiero Noschese
Mario De Simone
Claudio Guarino
Evi Rigano
Joyce Patterson
Licia Lombardi
Lilia Neyung

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