Comedy Horror
CIA Agent Harry is bitten by a man who was part of a deadly experiment involving the ability to withstand pain. The bacterium has a virus, causing the victim to become a zombie. Upon Harry's arrival in Hong Kong, after rejection from his ex-girlfriend, the virus begins to take effect. He kills a call girl and is arrested after a gang fight. When he is in prison, Harry transforms into a Zombie King and transforms nearly an entire Triad gang into his personal horde. Soon, the police department becomes a House of the Dead. It's up to a police officer named Marco, Harry's ex, and a Triad member named Cheap to stop them before it's too late.
Directed by
Steve Cheng
Sam Lee
Brother Cheap
Stephen Fung
Frankie Ng Chi-Hung
Brother Kow
Samuel Leung Cheuk-Moon
Cheap's Buddy
Jude Poyer
Laboratory Zombie
Hui Shiu-Hung
Alice Chan
Ricky Chan Po-Yuen
Ronald Wong
Benny Lai Chun
Dr. Harry
Lilian Chan Wai-Ming
Kit Koon
Mrs. Kow

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